Why you should switch to Natural Deodorant :)

Most of us depend on our deodorant like the air we breathe, relying on it to get us through our hot yoga sessions and nervous sweats, body-odour free. But the pit-falls (pun very much intended) of regular deodorants and antiperspirants vary in everything from skin irritation, possible health risks, and even making perspiration worse. But don’t sweat it! (Getting tired of my puns yet?) Natural deodorant can help all of these issues.

Here’s a list of reasons you should switch to natural deodorant and how to do it now:

You are supposed to sweat (and need to, for your health).

Sweating may sound/feel/look extremely gross, and we all know the horrible feeling of hoping to not run into anyone after a sweaty workout session because of the stench we’re undoubtedly giving off. But sweating is our bodies’ way of regulating temperature and releasing toxins, two very crucial jobs.

Antiperspirants and chemical-laden deodorants work to clog up pores and don’t allow the body to properly release the sweat necessary to cool down the body and release toxins (why they’re called anti-perspirants). Not to mention that they’re completely unnecessary for preventing body odour.

Luckily for our bodies, sweat isn’t what actually smells; it’s just a mixture of salt and water. What does create that dreaded body odour is when sweat comes into contact with the natural bacteria that lives on our skin. Changing this reaction is easily done with natural deodorant.

Deodorants and antiperspirants can cause a number of skin issues.

Antiperspirants work by closing up the pores to prevent perspiration, but this means that sweat builds up beneath the skin. This can cause bumpy skin and painful irritation. If you have bad razor burns or irritated armpits, definitely consider making the switch!

…and might actually make perspiration worse.

The buildup of sweat beneath the skin also comes with a buildup of the good bacteria that actually digests sweat, limiting the ability your body has to digest any bad bacteria, making your sweat smell even worse. Furthermore, the aluminium compounds can cause an acidic reaction to fabric, which is what makes those gross sweat stains on your white t-shirts.

Some diseases have been linked to deodorants.

Because antiperspirants are applied often and on skin near breasts, some reports claim that the chemicals could be absorbed through your skin and cause estrogen-like hormonal effects. Alzheimer’s and Breast Cancer have both been linked to aluminium compounds found in antiperspirants, and some might even contain infertility-causing toxic chemicals.

Natural deodorants actually have benefits for your health.

Not only does the use of only natural ingredients in deodorants limit the skin issues and diseases possible from their non-natural counterparts, but they also provide many benefits themselves. Natural deodorants don’t block pores, so that good bacteria keeps working, meaning less odour even when you’re not wearing any deodorant. An irritation-free armpit results in a closer (and longer-lasting) shave, and you can forget about worrying over your white t-shirt getting yellow pit stains. Some ingredients used in natural deodorants (like witch hazel) can also shrink pores and smooth razor burn. And there you have it folks. Make the switch and buy yourself this delightful smelling natural deodorant.

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