Category :

Tea Tree Facial Toner


Jy Het Ook Nou TEE.

Hierdie Tea tree facial toner is ‘n flippen amazing all-round toner vir alle skin types. Dit is super sag op jou vel en effektief vir jou vel. It can be used as a facial toner or cleanser, especially for those that are prone to blemishes and have oily skin. Maar ek gebruik dit SAAM my cleanser. Works like a charm baby.

Sy reuk mag dalk baie sterk wees and it may be stingy, but what it lacks in aroma – it more than makes up for in its effective healing properties, dit los jou vel free of extra oils which helps to prevent blackheads, pimples and acne, naturally cleansing your pores, reducing redness & inflammation, hydrating and doesn’t bathe your face in horrible chemicals that can do your health long term harm.

Jy kan dit daagliks gebruik and it works great to remove makeup too, can be sprayed anywhere on your body to soothe skin irritations and infections, as well as bug bites and fungal infections.

So luister vir my – hierdie goed is amazing. Gebruik dit.

Die Dinge Hier Binne:

Alcohol-Free Tea Tree Floral Hydrosol (Botanical Extract)

Alcohol-Free Witch Hazel


Storage instructions:

Store in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight, asseblief tog. Hierdie miracle roompie can’t go to waste.



100ml in Glass bottle with a plastic misting pump.

Please Reuse or Recycle.

Save the planet, en die turtles.