Die Facial Tee Produkte :)

Ek neem aan jy is moeg gesoek vir die regte produkte vir jou vel.

Well I got you boo.

Hier gaan jy nou kan lees oor al die gesig produkte, sou jy enige vrae het. Die Cleanser, Cream & Toner – saam met hulle doene, feite, benefits & disclaimers.

Dis nou eintlik net ek wat graag wil hê jy moet ALL NATURAL gaan, en ek gaan jou nou sê hoekom.

First of all – it has changed my life.

Hierdie produkte laat toe dat jou lyf doen wat hy moet doen, while feeling amazing in your skin en minder selfbewus as dit kom met scars, puisies, merke & acne.

Laat ons begin.


So paar interesting facts oor Tea Tree Oil:

–         Tea tree oil is an essential oil that can be used for several purposes, including keeping skin, hair and nails healthy.

–         In addition to its scientifically backed benefits, tea tree oil is inexpensive and safe when used as directed.

–         Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a small tree native to Queensland and New South Wales, Australia.

–         Although Melaleuca alternifolia is known as the tea tree, it should not be confused with the plant that produces leaves used to make black, green and oolong tea.

–         Tea tree oil has been used as a traditional medicine by Aborigines for centuries. These native Australians crush tea tree leaves to extract the oil, which is then inhaled to treat coughs and colds or applied directly to the skin for healing.

–         Tea tree oil contains a number of compounds, including terpinen-4-ol, that have been shown to kill certain bacteria, viruses and fungi.

–         Terpinen-4-ol also appears to increase the activity of your white blood cells, which help fight germs and other foreign invaders.

–         These germ-fighting properties make tea tree oil a valued natural remedy for treating bacterial and fungal skin conditions, preventing infection and promoting healing.

So paar benefits vir jou:

–         “It can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-microbial and nourishing properties,” says Dr. Ranjan Upadhaya, Max Multi Speciality Centre, Panchsheel Park.

–         Dermatologist Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj says, “It is excellent for combating oiliness and can be used in routine face washes and even while bathing.

–         Promotes Glowing Skin. Tea tree oil is not harsh and doesn’t cause excessive dryness, peeling of the skin or any redness. It will leave you with glowing, flawless skin you’ve always wanted.

–         Prevents Acne. Tea tree oil is considered one of the most effective ways to treat acne, not just on the face, but on the back, arms and chest as well.

–         Tea tree oil contains anti-microbial properties which kill the acne-causing bacteria. It penetrates deep into the pores to remove toxins and prevent clogging. It also reduces inflammation and lightens scars.

–         Tea tree oil moisturises and restores the skin’s natural oil balance.

–         Treats Cuts, Infections and Scars; According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, tea tree oil is a powerful disinfectant and is non poisonous and gentle. In 1923, Dr. A.R. Penfold found that tea tree oil was twelve times more effective at healing infections than the conventional antiseptic at that time.

–         Fights Skin Cancer; According to a study published in the Journal of Dermatological Sciences, tea tree oil has the ability to fight cancer. It has a rapid effect on reducing cancerous tumors.

–         Treats Psoriasis and Eczema; Tea tree oil can help in relieving any type of skin inflammation. It can be used to treat eczema naturally and even to reduce psoriasis.

As jy nou regtig, maar ek meen REGTIG ‘n sensitiewe vel het – don’t use it. Vra dan liewer net vir jou dokter vir ‘n natuurlike “way out”.

Anders; ek sal geen ander produkte voorstel as dit kom met gesig-mooi-maak nie. Hierdie is my miracle workers. So voel vry om dit op jou gesig te smeer en om dit lief te hê.

Dit was my TEE.

Mischa oor & uit 🙂

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